Kuenda Productions are back in the country from their second Germany tour and are set to stage their play Twenty.Fifteen today at Reps Theatre.
The Intercontinental collaborative arts project which comprises 18 cast members, including the production team, is expected to impress as it unravels the issue of identity crisis and related struggles that youths are faced with worldwide.
In an interview with NewsDay, Kuenda Production co-founder Plot Mhako said the play, apart from having a highly-talented cast, adopted a distinct style of juxtaposing theatre, music and dance to effectively impart the important message.
"The story revolves around three main characters, with one of them of mixed race, trying to trace their roots," Mhako said.
"This is portrayed in a very interesting way with the use of music and dance to evoke critical thought while keeping the audience in suspense.
"We used a fusion of urban and traditional sounds which our cast executed with ease because they are all uniquely talented."
Mhako added that the play did not only focus on a particular society, but could work in any as it took a holistic approach in addressing social concerns.
"The play talks about most of the struggles that young people mostly below 20 years of age are faced with, both locally and internationally. We tried to find a common ground for their daily multifaceted struggles," he added.
Twenty.Fifteen hit the local market late last year and since then the group has toured parts of Europe and local cities performing in sold out shows
The Production is a brainchild of Cindy Jaenicke, a German theatre maker, Mhako a Zimbabwean arts manager from Jibilika Dance Trust and Antonio Bukhar, a Ugandan dance choreographer and founder of Arts 2 Hearts project.