Perhaps best noted for her novel, Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home, for which she won the Caribbean Commonwealth Award, Erna Brodber is widely regarded not only as a celebrated thinker and writer, but an eager proponent of Black History and Culture.
Her life and work which underpins many an academic discourse at the University of the West Indies will be commemorated on April 26 and 27 with a conference - From Kumblas' to Blackspace: A symposium on Erna Brodber.
A historian and sociologist, Brodber has written significant articles and papers on the early days of Jamaican independence, children's education and the conditions of the African Diaspora -- a theme which remains close to her heart and which forms the subject matter for many of her earlier and present works. She is presently a senior lecturer within the Department of Sociology and a guest lecturer within the Department of English.