Bèbè Moïse Hien

PRESENTATION OF ASSOCIATION DITAH OF GAOUA Ditah Association knew a change of denomination, a renewal of its executive office like another orientation in its mission of development. With as old denomination Sidjièfô-culture which had like main aim the safeguarding of the inheritance, cultural of the province of Poni and taking into account the difficulties of development which this province meets, Association wished to be interested in effective durable rural development. It has as a seat: Gaoua, place Chief of the province of Poni and the area of South-west. It covers the 10 departments which account the Province the province. This is why, it chose 04 priority axes to make it possible Poni to profit from a sustainable development which are: I - Community development - Organization of the pastoral agro sylvo- activities - Natural stock management - Promotion of the human rights - Promotion of education, Elimination of illiteracy and Community Health. II - Valorization of the artistic activities, cultural, social and tourist - Valorization - Promotion - Conservation of the cultural heritage and human - Creation of the tourist sites - Cultural legislation - Social support - Promotion of Eco - tourism - Development of the relations North-South South-South/and integration under regional III - Organization and Assistance - Fairs - Festivals - Carnivals - Kind approaches - Spectacles - Conferences - Ritual traditional IV_ Reinforcement of the capacities of the actors - Formations - Technical follow-ups and evaluations - Financings of micro Projects - Privatization of the activities and companies of association. PROFILE OF THE PROMOTER - Studying at the music school and of dance of 1997 to 1999, - Trainee with the INA (National institute of Arts of Abidjan in 2000), - Artist musician out of grass of 2000 to 2003. - Director of theatre and choreography - Holder of several certificates of training in sport, culture, health and rural development, - Promoter of the Fair of the Attic - Directing promoter of FIE.TO.RE F - Plane partner of ONG Burkina /bureau de Gaoua - Artistic director of the theatrical company "Heltounon" of Gaoua - Coordinator in charge with the budget, and finances of the new network of the festivals of artistic and cultural integration for child of Africa (RA.FI.CA EJ). - Chief of delegation and picture framers of the cultural Ambassadors of Burkina Faso child category with the Sukabè Festival of Niger with Dosso and Maradi in 2005, 2006. - To manage female association of development in the area of South-west Burkina- Faso. - Vice-president of the international jury of the Sukabè Festival in Maradi "2nd city of Niger" - President of the union of the Producers of Bissap of the Province of Poni. - President/Founder of Association Ditah de Gaoua Ex "Sidjièfo - Culture". CHAPTER: PRESENTATION OF THE CONTEXT CONTEXT: In spite of good pluviometry allowing an abundant agriculture, ignorance makes this population, primarily rural, one of poorest of the country. This poverty is the cause of the massive exploitation of wood become the independent source of incomes of the women of the locality. From the quantitative transformation of wood into fuel, the forest reserves of the province are threatened of disappearance if nothing is undertaken on this subject. Concerning the pollution or the degradation of nature, the lack of cleansing could be the main cause of this degradation. The plastic sachets never are not preserved or are stored for lack of sensitizing on this level and the ignorance of local associations. The consequences which could come from the plastic sachets on our environment are incalculable. For this purpose, one can recognize that the transformation of the plastic sachets in this locality does not exist and remains the enormous problem which our environment has. For the tourist shutter, the inhabitants of the province of Poni knew to preserve until our days, certain values cultural which make of the "Lobi" an informed conservative. Living in an admirable vegetation, the Lobi country is located mainly between the hills, which gives him a geographical characteristic not equalized in Burkina Faso. It is necessary to add the museum of the age of the "branch lobi" which exists in Gaoua. The province of Poni is populated various ethnos groups of which Gans, a minority with the very rich and alive cultural values. It is in this locality that a king is found: king Gan, with the site of the tombs of all the successions of kings who reigned in Gan country. These tombs are called the "Sanctuaries of kings Gans" in the village of Obiré. It is in this zone of the country lobi that exists one of fantastic and mysterious the fortress which existed since XIème century according to research of professor Tiedga. The goal of archaeological research is to discover paternity, the use and the age of this monument called "Ruins of Loropéni" and to register it in the world heritage of UNESCO; what was fortunately the case very recently in June 2009, in Spain. The monument remains and remains most important and the most alive ancestral architecture of the under-area. We could also quote the colonial caves of the department of Gbomblora, etc In this outline on the tourist context, let us note that the town of Gaoua and the province of Poni, in general, profit from enormous tourist frequentations, which allowed certain commercial infrastructures, associations and even private to draw from enormous profits and that thanks to the cultural richness and from the tourist potential of this province. CHAPTER I-IV DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT A/ NATURE OF THE PROJECT The project "International festival of the Environment of Tourism and Reafforestation (FIE.TO.RE F)" is a project which in general aims at safeguarding our environment victim of a strong deforestation. It is a project of afforestation, tourism and environmental protection which effectively will contribute to consolidate the efforts for a sustainable development of the Province of Poni, to reinforce the bonds of friendship enter the African countries and to instigate the process of integration under regional, and to make a success of a visible durable partnership with the African O.N.G, Européennes and Ditah Association. This is why, this project FIE.TO.RE F will gather nearly 400 voluntary people for the safeguard of the environment and the promotion of tourism. All the participants and participating will be made up artists "Groups Artistic", tourists, members or persons in charge of O.NG or Associations coming from Europe and South, West Africa, from July 30 to August 8, 2009. The countries of CEDEAO will profit from the greatest participation signs of an integration full with hope. Burkina Faso Pays organizing will be present with the great participation of which the major parts of the participants (be) national will come from Poni Province of reception. This Festival will have as a subject: Tourism responsible, an alternative for environmental protection. 2.) IT AIMS AT GENERAL: - To contribute to the safeguard of the environment - to fight against the pollution and the degradation of nature. - Contributes to the sensitizing of the local populations on the subjects of the environment by divergent scenic expressions. - To develop and expansion of the local tourist potential. - To promote integration under regional and the co-operation Southern/southern and North-South. 3.) OBJECTIVES SPECIFIC: - To retimber with this 2nd edition 15.000 seedlings including 12.000 in the site of the military camp of Gaoua 22 RIC (Regiment of Infantry Commando) of Gaoua 12.000 on a surface from (01; 5) km2 and 3000 in spaces of the municipality of Gaoua. - Collecting of the plastic sachets in the town of Gaoua. - To visit the 03 most important tourist sites in Poni. - To promote cultural diversities and artistic each country in the form of a competition in the disciplines like the Theatre, the traditional dance, the poem, the song in chorus, the choreographic modern ballet "Playback", the artistic and cultural specialities of each country. - To encourage and promote the process of integration under regional, the southern and North-South Southern co-operation. 4.) AWAITED RESULTS - 15.000 seedlings of which 12.000 are planted with the site of the military camp of Gaoua on a surface of 2. Decorative km2 and 3000 seedlings in the arteries and spaces of the municipality of Gaoua. - 05 tons of plastic sachets were collected and store. - Effective Sensitizing of 2.500 people on the subjects of the environment. - Effective Visit of 03 tourist sites such as: The ruins of loropeni, the museum of civilization lobi in Gaoua, the colonial caves of will gbomblora. - Artistic and cultural Competitions of 11 Countries in the disciplines like: the traditional dance, dances modern choreographic modern, theatre, poem, songs in chorus, and some knowledge to make cultural each country. - The North-South, Southern co-operation southern and integration go from there to Burkina Faso by the presence of 11 foreign countries and 05 pay


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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