Mria is a secondary school student who is in love with David, a young man from her neighborhood. David is a promising law student. Their relationship seems idyllic but is put under strain when David brings up the issue of pre-marital sex. Despite her love and fondness for David, Mria is against it. She has goals in her life, including graduating from secondary school; she refuses because she is afraid of becoming pregnant and being force to quite school and give up her dreams.
This novel, by newly-minted author Juma Mwamgwirani Mwakimaru addresses this timeless issue which faces adolescents time and again as they take their first steps from childhood platonic intimacies into the larger world of adult relationships. The author deftly portrays the pressure suffered by Mria and David, and suprises with the twists and turns of the narrative as the young pair face the choice between love and disreputable behavior in this moral tail.
Winner of the Burt Award for African Literature