What is your Brown Number?

  • ¿Cuál es tu número marrón?
Genre : Social
Type : Animation
Original title : Quel est votre numéro de couleur de peau ? | Koji je vaš smeđi broj? [Croatie] | ¿Cuál es tu número marrón?
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2016
Format : Short
Running time : 4 (in minutes)

"What is your brown number?" talks about Indiaʼs obsession with skincolour, and how there is a sense of idealism and beauty associated with fair skin, whereas it is negativity and repulsion that is associated with dark skin. A concept of "brown number" has been introduced in this film. Every person is born with a brown number that corresponds to the shade of their skincolour. Darker the shade, higher the brown number, lower the worth. The film is a montage of people's reactions to ‘brown number'. These reactions have all been written based on real life experiences of people living in India.

A film by Vinnie Bose

India, 2016, Animation, 4'30'' - Color

Graduation film

What Is Your Brown Number? is an animated short film that I made for my graduation project at NID. The project was sponsored by Studio Eeksaurus, Mumbai, and my NID guide was Dhiman Sengupta. The project brief was to create an animated short film with a topic of social/environmental relevance, to be worked on by me from script to screen under Suresh Eriyat's guidance. The topic chosen was "discrimination in India based on skin colour". The film talks about how in India everyone wants to be light skinned, and how there is a sense of idealism and beauty associated with fair skin, whereas it is negativity and repulsion that is associated with dark skin.

Vinnie Ann Bose

Vinnie Ann Bose

Vinnie Ann Bose

Vinnie Ann Bose

John Chittilapilly

Rajat Dholakia

Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd;
National Institute of Design (NID), India

2017 | Animafest, Zagreb - World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
* Student films competition 1
* Projection: Tuesday, 06. 06., Tuškanac Cinema, 17:30 h
* Projection: Friday, 09. 06., Europa Cinema, 11:00 h



Koji je vaš smeđi broj? kratki je animirani film koji je nastao kao moj diplomski projekt na NID-u. Projekt je sponzorirao Studio Eeksaurus iz Mumbaija, a mentor mi je bio Dhiman Sengupta. U opisu projekta stajalo je da treba realizirati kratki animirani film na temu društvene ili ekološke važnosti, a od scenarija do ekrana pratio me je Suresh Eriyat. Odabrala sam temu diskriminacije u Indiji na osnovi boje kože. Film govori o tome kako u Indiji svi žele imati svijetlu put te kako se idealnost i ljepota povezuju sa svijetlim tenom, dok se s tamnom kožom veže negativnost i odbojnost.

Vinnie Ann Bose
Indija / 2016 / 4' 35''

Vinnie Ann Bose

Vinnie Ann Bose

Knjiga snimanja
Vinnie Ann Bose

Vinnie Ann Bose

John Chittilapilly

Rajat Dholakia

Studio Eeksaurus Productions Pvt. Ltd; National Institute of Design and Technology

Animafest Zagreb
Svjetski festival animiranog filma /
kratkometražno i dugometražno izdanje 5. do 10. lipnja 2017.
* Natjecanje studentskog filma 1



Cuál es tu número marrón? (What is your Brown Number?) es un cortometraje que trata relevancias sociales y ambientales, específicamente la discriminación en India por el color de piel. La película describe cómo toda la gente en India quiere ser de tez clara, habiendo un sentido de idealismo y belleza asociado con la piel blanca, mientras que la repulsión y negatividad es asociada con la piel oscura.

India - 2015 - 04'31"
Vinnie Bose

Producción / Production: Suresh Eriyat
Guión / Screenplay: Vinnie Bose, Suresh Eriyat
Montaje / Editing: Vinnie Bose
Sonido / Sound: Jhon Chittilapilly
Música / Music: Rajat Dholakia
Animación / Animation: Vinnie Bose


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What is your Brown Number?



  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of