Genre : Calls for papers
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts
Release/publication date : March 2014
Published on : 03/12/2014
Source : 3 December 2014

Public Art Experience, a unique project seeking to engage the public with art through a series of high profile artists' residencies, is inviting international artists working in different practices to submit proposals for BeHave, its first residency programme. Taking place in Belval, a former industrial site in the south of Luxembourg, BeHave will include six residencies, each lasting from three to nine months.

Public Art Experience is initiated by Le Fonds Belval, a governmental organisation responsible for the development of Belval's La Cité des Sciences, which will house the University of Luxembourg as well as off-university research centres and a start-up centre.

BeHave functions on a number of levels. Firstly, it considers 'the order of things' and the role the artist can play in disrupting what are considered to be norms; in terms of urban planning, the objects which surround us, societal behaviour, molecular interaction and software programming. Secondly, through considering the word as a composite of be and have in relation to the site of Belval which is shifting its focus from material to immaterial production.

The intention of the residencies is that the artists will make facets of their practice visible to the public and that the outcomes of their residencies will be sited within Belval and accessible to the public from August until December 2016. Whilst the artists will need to consider how their work will be manifested after their residency, ongoing outputs produced during the residency, such as performative works, will also be encouraged. The residencies will be documented and disseminated through a series of conferences, seminars, publications (in print and online) and films.

London-based curators Stéphanie Delcroix and Michael Pinsky are the artistic directors for the first residency programme.

Le Fonds Belval is a public organisation established for the development of La Cité des Sciences and is the contractor for the construction of government projects on the industrial wasteland at Belval. As a public contracting authority, le Fonds Belval is under obligation to invest in art according to the terms of the Law of 30 July 1999. The sums dedicated to art are considerable and budgeted in relation to the investments generated by the architectural project.

The Residencies
Six production residencies will be awarded to international artists. The residency period will run between September 2015 and August 2016.
- Two three-month residences providing an honorarium of €14,000
- Two six-month residences providing an honorarium of €28,000
- Two nine-month residences providing an honorarium of €42,000

A significant production budget will be available to reflect each artist's working practice and ambitions.

A studio in Belval will be provided, as will accommodation up to the value of €1000 a month.

Selection process
The artist's applications will be shortlisted by the artistic directors Stéphanie Delcroix and Michael Pinsky and by the artistic advisory board: Hubertus von Amelunxen, Eve Chiapello, Paul di Felice, René Kockelkorn and Charles Muller.

Twelve artists will then be asked to visit Belval to present their work and will be interviewed by the artistic directors and the artistic advisory board.

Six artists will then be selected for the artist's residencies.

Submitting an application
Applications must include:
- A Curriculum Vitae
- Ten images of past works and projects contained within a single PDF with a size of no more than 3MB.
- A statement, no longer than 2 sides of A4, outlining their idea of how they would engage with the site and make aspects of their practice visible to the public. It will be taken into consideration that the artist will most likely be unfamiliar with the site and that his/her approach is liable to change during the residency.

Applications to be submitted to Le Fonds Belval by email at by 12 noon on 23 January 2015


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

With the support of