This film is an intimate portrait of Madina, a musician who lost her sight in 2002. Madina is the only Malian woman to play the kora, a traditional harp normally reserved for men of the "griot" caste who constitute the oral historians of ancestral culture. Infused with a passion for this instrument, Madina decides to flaunt tradition and to accompany herself as she sings, mostly about women's rights.
Madina is single, and plays with a group of men musician friends, surviving between occasional concerts. Madina shares a large courtyard with her nephews and other neighbours. She is not a "griotte" and so does not normally officiate at social functions, as do most other praise singers… That is, until the day her cousin convinces her to change her tune.
Dir. Mamadou Cissé
2011 - Mali - 52 minutes, Doc - DVCAM
Malian filmmaker Mamadou Cissé was recipient (in 2008) of a $5,000 Alter-Ciné Foundation grant.
يروي الفيلم قصّة مادينا التي فقدت بصرها سنة 2002 وهي المواطنة الوحيدة من مالي التي تلعب الكرة، اللّعبة التقليديّة للرجال
مالي 2012
بالألوان: وثائقيّ 52
الإخراج : ممادو سيسي
السيناريو : ممادو سيسي
التصوير : سامبو سيديبي
الصوت : ممادو سماكي
الموسيقى : مادينا نداي
التركيب : سامبو سيديبي
التمثيل : مادينا نداي-فطوماطا سيسي
إنتاج : فرافينا دانبي للإنتاج
Ce film raconte l'histoire de Madina qui a perdu la vue en 2002. Madina est la seule Malienne à jouer de la kora, un instrument traditionnellement joué par les hommes des familles de griots en Afrique.
de Mamadou CISSE, 2011, Mali, Documentaire, 52'