"Kolmanskop" is set in an old German mining settlement in colonial SouthWestAfrica, now a ghost town in Namibia. The film covers two time periods in Namibian history.
It opens with a young woman travelling with her husband to a deserted Namibian town, the young women is on a journey to retrace her past, to understand the circumstances of her grandmother involvement in a sexual scandal involving her black lover, the (slave) servant of the house.
The film, shot when Namibia and Namibians where fighting for Independence, clearly takes sides and supports the struggle for liberation from colonial oppression and Apartheid through the medium of film.
Directed by David Pupkewitz
Namibia/South Africa, 1983, Fiction, 60mins, Drama, English
With Burt Caesar, James Donnelly, Paul Herzberg, Glen Morris.
Producer: Marsha Levin
Pupkewitz who was born in the disputed territory, the film is written and produced by his wife Marsha Levin, a Capetonian. Set in an old German mining settlement, now a ghost town - the film covers two time periods in Namibian history.
Keywords: South West Africa; Namibian history; interracial relationships; slave story.
2014 | „African Perspectives" Film Series, by AfricAvenir,
* Projection : Mercredi 12 mars 2014, 18h30, au Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC), 118 Robert Mugabe Avenue PO BOX 11622, Windhoek, Namibie, Entrée 20$namibiens
* Programmer/Programmateur : Hans-Christian Mahnke (AfricAvenir Windhoek)
The Screening is made possible by the support of M-Net.
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