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Egyptian film Producer, Screenwriter, film Director
She is sometimes credited as
Hela Lotfi
Born in 1973 in Cairo (Egypt).
Hala LOTFY (Hala Lotfy) is Producer, Writer, Director. She made three documentaries independently from 2001 to 2004. Then she worked with Aljazeera documentary channel making seven T.V documentaries in a series called "Arabs of Latin America" from 2005 to 2006. In 2007 she began producing her long feature debut "Coming Forth by Day". The project was suspended for sometime and was resumed after the revolution. In 2012, her feature COMING FORTH BY DAY ("Sortir au Jour") got the Tanit of bronze at JCC 2012, Tunisia.
Born on 3 July 1973 in Egypt. She graduated from Cairo University in 1995 with a degree in economics and political science, after which she studied at the Cairo Film Institute until 1999. After working for two years as an assistant director, in 2005 and 2006 she directed seven films for the documentary series ARABS OF LATIN AMERICA for the international TV broadcaster Al Jazeera. She began producing her feature film debut, ALKHOROUG LEL-NAHAR, in 2007, and completed it in 2012 after a break in production. In 2010, Hala Lotfy founded the independent production company Hassala Productions.
هالة لطفي منتجة ومخرجة ومؤلّفة سيناريو مصريّة. أنجزت ثلاثة أشرطة وثائقيّة بين سنتي 2001 و2004. ثمّ عملت بقناة الجزيرة الوثائقيّة فأنجزت سبعة أشرطة وثائقيّة ضمن سلسلة
"عرب أمريكا اللاّتينيّة"
وذلك في الفترة بين سنتي 2005 و2006. وقد بدأت في إنجاز شريطها المطوّل الأوّل
سنة 2007 "Coming Forth by Day"
وقد توقّف هذا المشروع لفترة ثمّ استأنفته بعد الثورة
Source: JCC 2012
Geboren am 3. Juli 1973 in Ägypten. 1995 schloss sie ein Studium der Wirtschafts- und der Politikwissenschaften an der Universität Kairo ab. Anschließend studierte sie bis 1999 am Cairo Film Institute. Nach zwei Jahren als Regieassistentin drehte sie 2005/06 für den Fernsehsender Al Jazeera sieben Folgen der Serie ARABS OF LATIN AMERICA. 2007 begann sie mit der Arbeit an ihrem Spielfilmdebüt ALKHOROUG LEL-NAHAR, das sie 2012 nach einer Unterbrechung fertigstellte. 2010 gründete Hala Lotfy die unabhängige Filmproduktion Hassala Productions.
- A Rehearsal, 17 Min.
- That Beautiful Voice, 4,5 Min.
- Four Scenes, 10 Min. ·
- No Waiting Please, 8 Min.
- Greeting Pattern, 4,5 Min. ·
- Images of Water and Earth, 26 Min.
- Feeling Cold, 47 Min.
- Arabs of Latin America, bis
7 x 47 Min.
- Al-khoroug lel-nahar / Coming Forth by Day
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