The five-day practical, hands-on course will be hosted at the Uganda Global Distant Learning Center in the capital, Kampala.
The workshop is designed to equip journalists and other social justice "watchdogs'"with the skills to build and maintain their own Web sites, without relying on outside consultants. OneWorld Africa hopes that the resulting independent Web sites will balance international reporting - or misreporting - of events in Africa.
The workshop is also designed to immediately boost the quantity and quality of information about Africa on the Internet.
The workshop is free of charge, and includes lunch and teas. Participants must, however, pay for their own transport and accommodation costs.
Participants should already have basic computer and Internet browsing skills, but do not have to have any programming or desk top publishing experience. Participants must, however, already operate a Web site or plan to launch one soon.
Candidates interested in registering for the web publishing course in Uganda should call OneWorld Africa regional coordinator
Priscilla Jere
(+27-260-1) 232-773
or email her.
OneWorld is an international non-governmental, non profit media NGO mandated to harness the democratic potential of the Internet to promote human rights and sustainable development.
OneWorld has its head office in London, and has centers around the globe. The OneWorld Africa office is situated in Lusaka, Zambia. To learn more about OneWorld Africa, visit the web site.