THE fourth anniversary of Simuka Comedy, a comic ensemble founded by renowned comedians Doc Vikela and Simba "The Comic King" Kakora, will this year be bigger as it will be hosted in Harare and Bulawayo next month.
The anniversary will run under the theme "Men at Work" and the Harare version, slated for Sopranos Coffee shop in Avondale on July 4, will feature comedy heavyweights including Michael K, Carl Joshua Ncube and Comrade Fatso.
Co-founder and award-winning stand-up comedian Kakora said Simuka Comedy had slowly, but positively transcended the limits becoming a "touring festival" bent on boosting local comedy.
"The Simuka Comedy concept is slowly evolving into a comedy touring festival which will serve as an outreach platform for new comedians in many cities and towns in the country," Kakora said.
"This year the show is themed and will happen in Harare and Bulawayo, and the idea is to add more dates and cities next year once we get a little bit more financial power."
He added that he was happy with the increased participation in shows organised by Simuka Comedy which have positively impacted the local comedy industry.
"Our major achievements have been an increase of participating comedians from a mere four practicing comedians in 2011 to over 40 comics who perform in different venues, creating a circuit for them to perfect their craft," he said.
Meanwhile, Zimbabwean stand-up comedy is currently making strides at a regional and international level with local comics invited to perform at international festivals.