Motivational speaker and writer Tendai Humbasha Maduwa has released his second book "Nuggets of Success". The book is the author's second after his debut poetry compilation "Marry My Language" that was released in 2013. Maduwa told The Herald Entertainment that the book is motivational and focuses on curriculum and personal development. "Success is pre-mapped, planned, governed and foretold through the 'Nuggets of Success' which is the concealed ladder providing firm steps to your elevated success," he said.
He said success can be defined differently depending on who is defining it hence the book tries to define success to everyone because everyone needs to succeed in life.
"A successful life is according to a mother her own care, according to a father, their collective care, in the view of the priest God's infinite mercy by advocacy of science natural selection and to the layman anything anyone that knows or do not that one came across or did not, It is a complicated yet most vital destination whose route is ill defined and undertaken like the journey of blindfolded," he said.
Maduwa promised more books in the future. "I am a motivational speaker hence I love to write about motivation so people must look forward to a number of these books."
Maduwa, who also co-authored "The Enchanted World", a poetry anthology which was published in India in 2013, is scheduled to go and launch another book in India. He will launch the poetry anthology titled "The Isales", which was published in Guntur in the Andhra Pradesh state of India.
The anthogoly features 16 other poets from around the globe with Maduwa the only African poet with works in the compilation. The book is set to be launched during the eighth edition of the International Poetry Festival in India before Maduwa attends another poetry festival in Kenya in August.
He said the vast international experience has helped him work with other writers back home to publish "Success Within Reach".