Nordisk Film

Genre : Distribution, Production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Nordisk Film A/S (Headquarter) Mosedalvej 14
Tel. : +45 36 18 82 00
Fax : +45 36 18 93 00
Contact by email


Nordisk Film employs 1,200 people in six countries as the largest producer and distributor of electronic entertainment in the Nordic region. Nordisk Film incorporates all parts of the value chain in the electronic entertainment world: development, production, marketing and distribution.

Facts about Nordisk Film

Founded in 1906
1200 employees
Operates in the Nordic countries
Managing Director: Michael Ritto
Revenue 2006: EUR 352 million
Operating profit 2006: EUR 4 million


In 1906 Nordisk Film's long tradition of feature film production began. The goal was to bring the best electronic entertainment to the market. Many things have changed since then, both within the company itself and in our business environment, but after 100 years our goal remains the same.

Nordisk Film is the leading producer and distributor of electronic entertainment in the Nordic region and employs 1200 people in the four countries. Nordisk Film incorporates all parts of the value chain of the electronic entertainment world: development, production, marketing and distribution. On the threshold of our 100th anniversary, Nordisk Film is well on its way to becoming the creative powerhouse of the Nordic region.

Our different business areas:
Film production
TV production
Post production
Film distribution
Other business areas

Part of Egmont
Nordisk Film is part of Egmont, one of Scandinavia's leading media groups. Storytelling is the cornerstone of all Egmont's activities. The mission is to create and tell stories in every medium imaginable. The vision is to be the most attractive media group for employees, business partners and consumers. The activities range from print to plasma screens, from entertainment to education, and from intellectual to popular culture. In Nordisk Film this encompasses films and TV programmes, cinemas and TV stations, interactive games and game consoles. Egmont's Nordic media universe also embraces weeklies, magazines, comics, youth magazines, games, activity products, books and educational materials.

Outside the Nordic region Egmont focuses on books and magazines for children and youngsters.

Since its Egmont was founded in 1878, it has been a solid company making a positive contribution to society - as workplace and cultural broker, and through donations to charitable causes. At the heart of Egmont's activities lies a dedicated and professional workforce of 3,500 employees in 23 countries committed to our promise: We bring stories to life.


The making of a movie is a long journey. From the original idea until the movie is finally wrapped and ready for the audiences, years can easily pass by. The finished movie then has to be distributed to the cinemas, to the DVD-market and finally to television.

Nordisk Film is involved in the entire lifespan of a movie. We nurse ideas, supervise production and post production, and send the movies travelling in distribution. Our ambition is to do our best for all of our movies, so that every one of them will grow strong and be able to conquer the world.

The lifetime of a movie can be divided into four periods. The first is development and writing of the manuscript, next up is production and the actual filming of the movie, then post production, and last but not least it's time to distribute the movie to cinemas, DVD and television.

Here you can read more about the life of a movie, and our engagement in the upbringing of every single film. You can also find information about many of our upcoming movies.


Michael Ritto
Managing Director
Nordisk Film
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

Ole Larsen
Director of Finance
IT, Logistics and Legal
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

Mikkel Berg
Managing Director
Film Distribution
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

Benny Bach
Managing Director
The Music Business Organisation
Phone: +45 20 75 07 44

Peter Bøndergaard
HR Manager
Human Resources
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

Irene Mikkelsen
Communications Manager
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

John A. Tønnes
Managing Director
Nordisk Film Cinemas
Phone: +45 33 14 76 06

Kim Magnusson
General Manager
Film Production
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00

Jacob Houlind
Nordic General Manager
Nordisk Film TV Production
Phone: +45 36 18 84 99

Stein-Roger Bull
General Manager
TV Production
Phone: +47 24 14 92 20

Allan Mathson Hansen
General Manager
Nordisk Film Interactive
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00
Fax: +45 36 18 93 00

Hans Bitsch
Managing Director
Nordisk Film Post Production & Lab
Phone: +47 92 89 81 00
Fax: +47 92 80 08 66

Mette Jæpelt
Nordisk Film IT
Phone: +45 36 18 82 00

Malene Ehlers
Legal Manager
Nordisk Film Legal
Phone: +45 36 18 93 59


4 files


  • Arterial network
  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Gens de la Caraïbe
  • Groupe 30 Afrique
  • Alliance Française VANUATU
  • Zimbabwe : Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe Trust
  • RDC : Groupe TACCEMS
  • Rwanda : Positive Production
  • Togo : Kadam Kadam
  • Niger : ONG Culture Art Humanité
  • Collectif 2004 Images
  • Africultures Burkina-Faso
  • Bénincultures / Editions Plurielles
  • Africiné
  • Afrilivres

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